HP Printers are known to be some of the most reliable printers on the market. However, even the most reliable printers occasionally have problems. By far, the most common issue encountered with HP printers is the dreaded “offline” status: when your printer is on but it is not coming up as a viable printing option on your computer or device.
Luckily, not only is this one of the most common issues encountered by HP printer owners, but it is also one of the easiest to solve. This article outlines the steps you can take to get your HP printer back online and communicating with your printer.
The Meaning Behind the “Printer Offline” Error Message
The “Printer Offline” error message is one of the most common errors received with HP Printers. If you receive this message, it can be frustrating, but it is nothing to fear. An offline printer doesn’t mean that your printer is broken; it simply means that your printer is not communicating with your device.
Your HP printer may be offline for a number of reasons, including a setting error, connection issues, or outdated drivers or software. Luckily, all of these issues can be solved with some easy troubleshooting steps.
Simple Solutions for Getting Your HP Printer Back Online
Most of our readers are faced with the common question, “How do I switch my HP Printer from offline to online?” Here are some top tips & tricks to consider.
Start with the Basics: Cables and Cartridges
This may seem like an obvious step, but it is often the one we overlook. Before you try anything else, make sure all of your printer’s cables and cartridges are properly installed and in good working condition. Check to ensure that all of your cables and power cords are properly connected and, if applicable, that your Ethernet cord is attached to an active Ethernet port. If you have any doubts, try connecting cords to different sockets or using different cords to ensure they are not the source of the issue.
Examine the printer for physical malfunctions that would prevent you from printing. Make sure the printer cartridges are properly installed, as misalignment can keep the printer from working. Double-check that there are no paper jams and that the printer has paper in the input tray.
Turn on the Printer and Connect to WiFi
Once your printer is on, use the printer control panel to identify the WiFi. From the control panel, select the network settings function and press “Confirm Network Settings.” This will show you the current status of your printer’s internet connection. Make sure that your computer and printer are both connected to the same WiFi.
Restart your Printer and Computer
To restart your printer, turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source. Wait thirty seconds, then plug your printer back in and turn it back on. This process is known as “power cycling” and can help your printer resolve issues itself.
Once your printer and computer are both back online, once again confirm that they are both connected to the same WiFi.
Set Your Printer as the Default Printer
The default printer is the printer that your computer will prioritize when choosing a printing device. If your computer is busy attempting to connect to another printer that is not currently online, it may have difficulty finding your HP printer.
To manually set your HP printer as the default printer with Windows:
- Click on the “Start” button on your computer and select “Control Panel” from the list.
- In the window that appears, select “Devices and Printers” (or the equivalent menu option).
- Select your HP printer from the resulting window, and then select “Open Queue.”
- Under the “printer” drop-down, select “Set as Default Printer.”
To manually set your printer as the default printer with MacOS:
- In the “Apple” menu, click “System Preferences” and select “Print & Scan.”
- Click “Default Printer,” then select your HP printer as the default printer option.
Clear the Printer Queue
Most people notice that their printer is not connected when they attempt to print a document. If you’re like me, you may even try to print that same document 4-5 times before realizing that your printer is offline. This printer queue can make it difficult for the printer to resolve the issue. Canceling print jobs will allow your printer and computer to focus solely on reestablishing their connection.
To cancel print jobs on Windows:
- Click on the “Start” button on your computer and select “Control Panel” from the list.
- In the window that appears, select “Devices and Printers” (or the equivalent menu option).
- Right-click on your HP printer’s icon and select “See What’s Printing.”
- Right-click each print job and select “Cancel.”
To cancel print jobs on MacOS.
- In the “Apple” menu, click “System Preferences” and select “Print & Scan.”
- Click on your HP printer and select “Open Print Queue.”
- Click on each print job and select “Cancel.”
Advanced Solutions for Getting Your HP Printer Back Online
If the simple solutions above are not enough to get your printer back online, you may have a driver or software issue. If that’s the case, these next solutions will help you reinstall your printer and return it to online mode.
Remove and Reinstall Printer
Removing and reinstalling your printer on your device will allow the connection between your computer and printer to once again start from scratch.
To remove and reinstall a printer with Windows:
- Click on the “Start” button on your computer and select “Control Panel” from the list.
- In the window that appears, select “Devices and Printers” (or the equivalent menu option).
- Right-click on your HP printer and select “Remove device.”
- To reinstall the printer, click “Add a Printer” on the “Devices and Printers” window and follow the prompts.
To manually set your printer as the default printer with MacOS:
- In the “Apple” menu, click “System Preferences” and select “Print & Scan.”
- Right-click anywhere in the “Print & Scan” window and select “Reset Printing System.” This will clear any errors, print jobs, and printer preferences from your computer.
- Once the reset is complete, select “Add Printer or Scanner” and select your printer. Follow the subsequent prompts to reinstall your printer.
Run HP Print and Scan Doctor
HP provides free printer troubleshooting for Windows customers through their “HP Print and Scan Doctor” program. If the solutions above do not resolve your printer’s offline status, download the “HP Print and Scan Doctor” and follow the program prompts:
To use the “HP Print and Scan Doctor” with Windows:
- Download the “HP Print and Scan Doctor” from your computer.
- Once the program downloads, open the downloaded application (called HPPSdr.exe) by allowing it to run.
- A window will appear. If asked if you trust the file, selected “Yes.” From the “HP Print and Scan Doctor” window, click “Start.”
- Choose your printer from the subsequent page. If your printer does not appear, restart your printer and select “Retry” on the “HP Print and Scan Doctor” window.
- Follow the prompts from the “HP Print and Scan Doctor.”
Unfortunately, there is not an “HP Print and Scan Doctor” for macOS users at this time.
Install the Latest Printer Driver
Most HP Printers will require the latest driver to work successfully. If your printer is an older model, it may no longer have the latest driver. To download drivers for your printer:
- Go to the HP Support Software and Drivers Download
- Select your printer by either entering the name in the search bar and clicking “Submit” or finding it in the list of printers below.
- Select the driver you wish to install. If there are multiple driver options available, select the driver that is responsible for “solutions.”
- Once the driver has downloaded, double-click the file to begin the installation.
- Once the driver has been installed, follow the steps above to remove and reinstall your printer.
Confirm HP Printer Port and Windows Services Status
The final solution is to see if your printer uses a WSD port. To check the status of your port:
- Click on the “Start” button on your computer and select “Control Panel” from the list.
- In the window that appears, select “Devices and Printers” (or the equivalent menu option).
- Right-click your printer and select “Printer Properties.”
- Click the “Ports” tab and see if your printer uses a WSD Port.
If your printer uses a WSD Port, follow these steps:
- In the search bar of your computer, search for the “Services” application.
- In the “Services” pop-up, find “Function Discovery Provider Host” and “Function Discovery Resource Publication.” Scroll to the left and confirm that the “Status” of both services is “running” and the “Startup” is “automatic.”
- If they do not say “running” and “automatic,” right-click the name and select “Properties.”
- Change the startup type to “automatic” and click “Okay.”
If you are still not able to get your printer online, it may be time for professional help. HP Printer Support is available 24/7 to assist with additional troubleshooting.
For more useful printing techniques and tips, check out “Why is My Printer Offline?” or visit our homepage https://printertesting.com.